• URL:
  • Legalname : PARYLICE (FIVE HOTEL)
  • Headwuarters : 3 rue Flatters, 75005 Paris – France
  • Capital : 1000 €
  • VAT : FR81851591347
  • SIRET : 851 591 347 00022
  • Purpose of the website : Promotion of the establishment
  • Legal representative : Jean Marc Tascon
  • HWeb hosting : MM CREATION
  • This site presents: informative content and online data collection Protection of personal data: you can consult our Confidentiality
  • Policy Property: The site and the information it contains are protected by French law on intellectual property and by international conventions. Except for use within the family circle or private use, the site and no element of its content may be reproduced, republished, transcribed, modified or retransmitted without the prior authorization of the rights holders.
  • Consumer mediator: After contacting the litigation service and in the absence of a satisfactory response within 1 month, the customer can contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator, including the contact details and methods of entry are available on its website:
  • Telephone canvassing: You have the option of registering on the Bloctel telephone canvassing opposition list: Disputes: For any dispute you can use the online settlement platform for disputes:
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